Signing out of old browser sessions

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When you sign in to Clever Logger in a browser, you’ll stay signed in forever.

Sometimes, you may want to sign out of old sessions remotely.

This might be useful if:

  • you have changed computers, or started using a different browser;
  • a colleague who has left the company is still signed in on a shared account and you want to remove their access;
  • etc.
Step 1 Icon

Go to User Settings

Clever Logger menu highlighting the User Settings

Near the bottom of the main menu is the View User Settings link.

Step 2 Icon

Open the Sessions list

Step 3 Icon

Sign out of selected browser sessions

sessions filter
sessions filter

Above the Session list, you will see a filter button (circled). If you have a lot of sessions in the list, this will let you choose to see only browser or app sessions.

Which sessions should I sign out of?

That’s pretty much up to you. 

If you sign out of a browser session by mistake, the worst thing that will happen is that you have to get a new sign-in code email the next time you try to use Clever Logger from that browser.


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What is NATA?

The National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) is the recognised national accreditation authority for analytical laboratories and testing service providers in Australia. It is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that provides independent assurance of technical competence. 

NATA accredits organisations to perform testing and inspection activities for their products and services. This gives consumers the assurance they need to make safe, healthy and reliable choices .

Location Views

In the top right corner of the Location page, you will find the View chooser.

There are three options: Simple, Detailed and Gauge.


Simple View

Detailed View

Gauge View