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How to swap loggers for a location

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Why would you want to swap a logger for a location

This section describes how to swap a logger for a specific location. This is NOT “how to add a new logger” or “how to move a logger to a new location”.

You may want to do this if:

  •  you are swapping a new logger for an old when the battery dies
  • we have sent a warranty replacement for a logger
By doing a swap, all the old readings will remain with the location and all the existing configuration information (sample rate, alarm settings etc) will remain the same. The only change will be that the future readings will be coming from the new logger.
Step 1 Icon

Turn on the new logger

Loggers have a raised power button on the front.

To start the Logger, press and hold the Power Button for approximately 5 seconds until the IN USE light comes on. Release the Power button.

To check that the Logger is running, keep watching the IN USE light. It will flash briefly every 10 seconds when the Logger is recording. It can be quite hard to see unless you are looking at the Logger straight on.

starting your logger
Step 2 Icon

Open the Location's device page

Select Locations from the Clever Logger dashboard menu.

Click on the Location you wish to edit.

Find the Options button in the top right hand corner, and select Device.

Step 3 Icon

Choose the Replace Logger action

Click on the Replace Logger button.

Step 4 Icon

Select the replacement logger

Click to confirm that you have turned on the new logger.

You should see the new logger available for selection.

Click Select Device to proceed.

You should see the new logger available for selection.

Click Select Device to proceed.

Step 5 Icon

Confirm your choice

Click on Link new Logger to finish the process.


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What is NATA?

The National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) is the recognised national accreditation authority for analytical laboratories and testing service providers in Australia. It is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that provides independent assurance of technical competence. 

NATA accredits organisations to perform testing and inspection activities for their products and services. This gives consumers the assurance they need to make safe, healthy and reliable choices .

Location Views

In the top right corner of the Location page, you will find the View chooser.

There are three options: Simple, Detailed and Gauge.


Simple View

Detailed View

Gauge View