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How do I get notifications sent to my phone?

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Not receiving notifications?

Clever Logger went offline, or the temperatures spiked, but you were not notified. Why not?

Follow these steps so you will get notified.

Step 1 Icon

Download the Clever Logger App

Download and install the Clever Logger App available on the Apple and Google Play stores.

See link below on how to install the app.

the clever logger app

Downloading and installing the Clever Logger App

Step 2 Icon

Login to the app

Enter your email and the code.

Step 3 Icon

Check to make sure alarms are enabled

Navigate through your Clever Logger settings. You may either enable or disable alarms.

Check that you have activated all alarms. This will ensure that Clever Logger notifies you when requiring attention.

Edit Location Settings
Step 4 Icon

Check push-app notifications are enabled

You must also check whether you have enabled push notifications.

Click on your Notification Group settings to locate these options.

Edit Notification Group Push Notifications
Step 5 Icon

Send a test notification

If you are still not receiving notifications...

Please contact Clever Logger support for assistance.
You may email us at [email protected].

Call us on 1300 80 88 89.
International customers, please call us on +64 2 9614 6417.


You're going to love Clever Logger

To prove it, we’ll send you a Starter Kit to try out for a whole month.

Set it up, have a play, explore the features – obligation free.

If you love it, just let us know.

If not, just send it back.

What is NATA?

The National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) is the recognised national accreditation authority for analytical laboratories and testing service providers in Australia. It is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that provides independent assurance of technical competence. 

NATA accredits organisations to perform testing and inspection activities for their products and services. This gives consumers the assurance they need to make safe, healthy and reliable choices .

Location Views

In the top right corner of the Location page, you will find the View chooser.

There are three options: Simple, Detailed and Gauge.


Simple View

Detailed View

Gauge View