Clever Logger News
Valid and Invalid Calibration Tests for Thermometers and Loggers
What is a Valid and Invalid Calibration Test for Thermometers and Temperature Loggers? Calibration tests are essential for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of thermometers

Tip of the Month – July 2024
Creating a temperature report for Council or Public Health accreditation takes just a few clicks.

Tip of the Month – June 2024
The Clever Logger Half Daily Min Max Table makes compliance easy

Is your vaccine fridge ready for the perfect storm this Christmas?
The combination of Christmas shutdowns, staff vacations, high temperatures, and the extra stock you’ll be carrying for the booster rollout is a perfect storm for vaccine safety. Are you prepared?

How do Cloud-Based Temperature Logging Systems Handle Mass Internet Shutdowns?
Last week Optus was down for half a day. As Australia’s second-largest telecom, millions were left with no phone or internet access, impacting transportation, payment systems, and essential services like hospitals.

Why all vaccine fridge services are not the same
I think I’m going to ruffle a couple of feathers with this post so I’m going to begin by saying that there are some really

Clever Logger: The Easy Way to Comply with Food Safety Standard 3.2.2A
One of the requirements of food safety standard 3.2.2A is that businesses must keep records of temperature monitoring. Clever Logger is a wireless temperature data logger that can help you easily comply with food safety standard 3.2.2A.

Strive For Five’s most dangerous mistake
I have mixed emotions when it comes to Strive For Five. Originally it was a great document that helped move us out of the dark

What does Strive For Five actually require in regards to temperature monitoring?
Strive For Five is NOT an easy document to understand WARNING: This is both an informative article and a rant. It is long and detailed.

Alarming behaviour that you should not ignore
In this article, we delve into the crucial reasons and true stories on why you should never ignore Clever Logger alarms.

May 2023 Release – Location, location, location
In our latest release of Clever Logger we have given the location screen a total overhaul. This is to make it even easier to see information, as well as a chance to make it prettier. For many users it will also show you some awesome features that have always been there, but you didn’t know.

March 2023 Release – timely reports and Queensland
In the latest release of Clever Logger we have improved the options when creating reports, and have added some new options to help you meet vaccine storage guidelines in Queensland.

ChatGPT writes a poem about Clever Logger
Everyone’s talking about the AI chatbot. We’re sure it’s cool and all, but its poetry leaves a little to be desired. We appreciate the sentiment though 🙂

Why P1053 is such a disappointment
In November, the government will be voting on the P1053 amendment to the food safety standards. We were hoping it would bring the standards up to the 21st century. Instead it looks like they barely made it out of the fifties.

Do I still need to check my vaccine fridge twice a day?
Clever Logger is the ideal way to monitor vaccine fridges. It immediately notifies you of a problem and blows the Strive For Five requirements out of the water. BUT there is still a big push to have twice daily manual fridge checks.

The Great Clever Logger Survey
We have questions. You have answers. Let’s get together.

July 2022 Release – Gateway Improvements
In the latest release of Clever Logger we have done a major redesign of the screens to add a new gateway, as well as various other configuration improvements.

What is the best type of data logger for vaccine fridges?
Modern vaccine fridge loggers incorporate lots of new features to make your life easier. Here’s what you should be looking for.

Our thoughts on “Strive For Five”, Jimmy Rees Style
It’s called humour… With COVID and lockdown and daily politician announcements, it is no wonder that comedy legends like Jimmy Rees created “The Guy Who

August 2021 Release – Gauges, announcements, email testing, Strive For Five
In our second release for July, Clever Logger now has a pretty gauge view, an announcement feature, better email testing capabilities, and I go on a rant about Strive For Five.

July 2021 Release – Design tweaks and bug fixes
A lot of the improvements at Clever Logger are behind the scenes. We are always looking to make the system easier and quicker to use.

June 2021 Release – Dual graphs, twice daily min/max
The first June 2021 Clever Logger release is the start of a number of changes in how we display the data. In this release we have the dual temperature capability (great for temperature + humidity) as well as the twice daily min/max.

Wireless Signals Explained
This post will outline how Clever Logger’s wireless signals work and what elements can either distort or stop these signals from transmitting data.

Clever Logger dashboard not working? Your browser might be a dinosaur!
If you’re still using an older version of Internet Explorer you may be having trouble with the Clever Logger dashboard. It’s time to update.

Clever Logger and Quality Care Assessment Compliance
Clever Logger not only complies with the Quality Care Assessment requirements, but blows it out of the water. Our goal is to have a temperature logging system that does everything, and we are getting closer to success!

Vaccine fridge diagnosis with Clever Logger
After installing a Clever Logger in a vaccine fridge, we noticed some very unusual temperatures