Is this page for me?
When you sign in to the Clever Logger app on your phone or tablet, you’ll stay signed in forever.
Sometimes, you may want to sign out of old devices remotely, and be completely forgotten on that device.
This might be useful if:
- you have lost or replaced your phone or tablet, and that device was signed into the app;
- a colleague who has left the company is still signed in on a shared account and you want to remove their access;
- etc.
Go to User Settings
Near the bottom of the main menu is the View User Settings link.
Open the Sessions list
Sign out of selected devices
Phones or tablets that you have recently used to view the Clever Logger app are shown as a list.
Phones and tablets that haven’t been used recently are highlighted in a separate list. These devices will probably no longer be receiving alarm notifications. If you want to continue using the device to get notifications from Clever Logger, you should open the Clever Logger app on that device and this will refresh your connection. If it is an old phone that is no longer in use, you can remove it from the list by clicking the Sign out button.
Which sessions should I sign out of?
That’s pretty much up to you.
If you sign out of an old app session, that phone/tablet will no longer receive push notifications.
You can always reconnect the phone or tablet by opening the Clever Logger app and signing in again.