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Clever Logger Temperature Alarms

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What are low temperature alarms?

This is what a low temperature alarm looks like on Clever Logger. 

If this appears on your notifications, your logger has recorded lower than usual temperatures from the environment it is sitting in.

When configuring your logger you would have set a temperature threshold – where a certain range would be considered safe and anything out from those parameters would be cause for concern.

When inputting these ranges into your logger you would have entered a delay when  these temperature alarms would notify their users.

Clever Logger Low temperature alarm

Possible Causes

The most common occurrences of low temperature readings often result from:

  • Overstocking.
  • Faulty circuits – i.e. defrost cycle and compressor.
  • The heating system is not configured correctly.
  • External temperatures and air flow are present in the environment.

Check for these signs and ensure regular maintenance and checks are done.

Clever Logger LowTemperature Alarms

Do I need to do anything?

It is always recommended to check on your stock when a low alarm is alerting you and rectify the issue immediately.

Ensure the environment is still ventilating correctly. If you suspect the cooling system is not working – contact your utilities representative and inform them of the problem.

It is also important to ask other colleagues if they were doing anything with the logger during the period it was alerting. Most of the time we get calls and find out a stocktake or re-stocking was in progress hence the fridge door was open.

Check the logger has not be moved or bumped from its original point of placement as it could be reading a hotspot in the environment.

Clever Logger Temperature Alarms
managing alarms

What to do when you get an alarm?


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What is NATA?

The National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) is the recognised national accreditation authority for analytical laboratories and testing service providers in Australia. It is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that provides independent assurance of technical competence. 

NATA accredits organisations to perform testing and inspection activities for their products and services. This gives consumers the assurance they need to make safe, healthy and reliable choices .

Location Views

In the top right corner of the Location page, you will find the View chooser.

There are three options: Simple, Detailed and Gauge.


Simple View

Detailed View

Gauge View