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Getting Started

Configuring Clever Logger

Using Clever Logger

Common Problems

Clever Logger Installation Process Overview

Follow these steps and you will quickly be up and running with your Clever Logger system. Remember we are always available to assist if you do have any more questions or technical issues.
How to find the perfect temperature logger for your vaccine fridge

Let's get this show on the road

Clever Logger is designed to be as easy to use as possible.  This page is really just a “big picture” over view of the system and will point you in the right direction for any specific topics that may be of interest to you.

Step 1: Create your account

You literally just need an email to get started. Later we will show you how to add more users to the system, but for now, let’s get you going.

Step 2: Adding your hardware

Here’s a little bit of jargon to make sure we are talking about the same things…


The Clever Logger logger is the device that will actually measure the temperature (and optionally humidity). It is the device that will sit inside your fridge or freezer.


The gateway is the link between your loggers and the internet. 

The gateway hears the data being broadcast by the loggers and saves it to your online account every few minutes, giving you a live log of temperatures.

Gateways need power and an internet connection – either with a network cable or using your office wi-fi.


You need to first set up the gateway and then the loggers. 

Step 3: What about multiple users?

Many users can skip this section. They just need one user.

Clever Logger, however, has some powerful features to help small and large organisations to manage multiple users.

At it’s simplest, you can just add more users (for free)…

Do you need some users to be notified of problems, but not others?

Or do you need some users to be notified after a period if a problem isn’t fixed quickly?

The notification group feature allows you to do just that. Check out the overview to see how it all works, or jump straight into configuring them.


Step 4: Automated reports


Need some additional reports automatically emailed to you or the other users? 

Most of this would have already been covered but you can quickly create or modify the automated reports.

Step 5: Going mobile


Would you like alerts automatically sent to your phone? 

It’s quick, easy, and free.

Next: Using Clever Logger


That’s it. You should now be up and running.

Now we can show you how to get the most out of your Clever Logger system by seeing data, handling alarms, and enjoying a quiet day fishing.


You're going to love Clever Logger

To prove it, we’ll send you a Starter Kit to try out for a whole month.

Set it up, have a play, explore the features – obligation free.

If you love it, just let us know.

If not, just send it back.